International Centres
Bioethics Division of the Council of Europe |
The Council of Europe website, dedicated to bioethics issues. | |
Center for Bioethics and Culture |
The Center for Bioethics and Culture (CBC) is composed of Doctors, Nurses, Ethicists, Clergy, Educators, and other professionals coming together to educate and equip people in the bioethics issues of the 21st Century, a century already christened "the Biotech Century." The CBC strives to bring the ethics and morals into play on issues in science, medicine and bioethics. | |
Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity |
The Center exists to equip thought leaders to engage the issues of bioethics using the tools of rigorous research, conceptual analysis, charitable critique, leading-edge publication, and effective teaching. It is a national and international leader in producing a wide range of live, recorded, and written resources examining bioethical issues. | |
European Association of Centres of Medical Ethics |
The European Association of Centres of Medical Ethics (EACME) is, since its creation in 1985, an international research and communication network. “European” is used here in the broad sense of the term, i.e. from the Atlantic to the Urals. It aims at promoting public critical concern regarding the ethical issues involved in the development of the biomedical sciences in our communities. | |
European Commission & Bioethics : Ethical, Legal & Social Aspects (ELSA) |
The ELSA area is aimed at analysing the ethical and social issues raised by specific applications of biotechnology as well as biomedicine and health research in view of their being taken into account in public policy deliberations. | |
European Group on Ethics in Science & New Technologies |
The task of the European Group on Ethics in Science & New Technologies is to examine ethical questions arising from science and new technologies and on this basis to issue Opinions to the European Commission in connection with the preparation and implementation of Community legislation or policies. | |
German Reference Centre for Ethics in the Life Sciences |
The German Reference Centre for Ethics in the Life Sciences has been set up by the Institute of Science and Ethics (IWE), Bonn in collaboration with the University of Bonn as a national documentation and information centre in order to provide scientific foundations for a qualified bioethical discussion on a German, European and international level. | |
Institute of Man, Ethics & Science |
The institute concerns itself in particular with the problems of the disabled and chronically ill people as seen from their own standpoint as well as the impact of bioscience on society as a whole. | |
Institute on Biotechnology and the Human Future |
The Institute on Biotechnology & the Human Future offers assessments of the scientific benefits and risks of new developments in biotechnology, while at the same time analyzing their cultural and ethical significance. The Institute couples continuing academic and policy research with the ability to provide advice and analysis to businesses, professional organizations, consumer groups, and policymakers. It is able to draw on the resources of many scholars and opinion leaders through its wide network of fellows and links to many other organizations. | |
Lindeboom Institute: Center for Medical Ethics |
The purpose of the Lindeboom Institute is to study and publish on medical ethical issues and to collect documentation on such issues. The institute works within the Christian tradition and therefore finds its authoritative direction and inspiration in the Bible. | |
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization |
UNESCO functions as a laboratory of ideas and a standard-setter to forge universal agreements on emerging ethical issues. The Organization also serves as a clearinghouse – for the dissemination and sharing of information and knowledge – while helping Member States to build their human and institutional capacities in diverse fields. In short, UNESCO promotes international co-operation among its 191 (as of March 2005) Member States and six Associate Members in the fields of education, science, culture and communication. |