Upcoming Event
Unlocking Patient–Centred Innovation
Wednesday November 6th 2013 at 14:30
This event forms part of the Economic & Social Research Council’s Festival of Social Science 2013.
Building on last year’s successful festival event, “Creating a culture of innovation for 21st Century healthcare” which identified levers for innovation to flourish, BioCentre plans to host a seminar which aims to look at what patient–centred innovation could look like and how we involve the patient in the actual design of technological solutions within the health care system.
Today, the focus of healthcare and treatment is shifting from the expensive, inequitable “temples of technology” which have become our hospitals, to the default setting of the home. Within this setting, the benefits are being explored of how technology could play a significant role in helping to improve outcomes of people with long term conditions. But will simply more technological solutions lead to better health and wellbeing? Cultural attitudes influence health care behaviours and in turn impacts upon innovation. Innovation in healthcare can only work if people are in a position to change their behaviour, which behaviour modification specialists say requires capability, opportunity and motivation. These subjects are of the utmost interest to social scientists because without them, our ability to engage with any innovation offered is severely limited.
The need for integrated, interdisciplinary thinking and solutions to these questions is critical. This seminar brings together a target audience of stakeholders: those from the healthcare industry faced with the challenge of responding to this set of questions with healthcare managers; clinicians and patients.Through short presentations, discussion and case study examples we aim to host a conversation which focuses on how together we should shape the future in this area.
The event will be chaired by Prof Daniel Steenstra, FREng and Visiting Professor in Innovation at Cranfield University.
Full list of participating speakers to be posted shortly.
Venue: Gustav Tuck lecture theatre, University College London
Starting At: 14:30
Ending At: 17:30
Cost: Free but registration required. Visit: http://biocentrepatientinnovation.eventbrite.co.uk/
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