Upcoming Event

Antibiotics: Weapons of Maths Destruction
Tuesday January 24th 2012 at 19:00

Ever wonder how antibiotics work? Prepare to get hands–on to find out about the marvellous molecular maths behind drug development.

Can we use maths to help make superantibiotics and what would that mean for the fight against superbugs?

Join us to unravel the puzzle of how to stop bacteria from taking over.

The Dana Centre and d.café are licensed premises open only to those aged 18 or over. Most events are free. Arrive early to enjoy a wide variety of delicious food and drink in our air–conditioned d.café.

Please pre–book.

To book:
Call 020 7942 4040 or e–mail tickets@danacentre.org.uk

Venue: London Science Museum’s Dana Centre, Wellcome Wolfson Building, 165 Queen’s Gate, London, SW7 5HD
Starting At: 19:00
Ending At: 21:00
Cost: Free but please pre–book
More Information: Click Here for More Information