
BioDiary is an online resource designed to inform and promote forthcoming bioethics related symposia, conferences, seminars and other such events in the UK, Europe and beyond.

January 2010

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  • Recent Advances in Male Fertility
    Wednesday 6th January 2010 - Thursday 7th January 2010
    Bristol Marriott Royal Hotel, College Green, Bristol BS1 5TA, UK
    The Annual Meeting of the British Fertility Society. This event will feature world-class speakers from diverse fields, including andrology, epidemiology, endocrinology and urology. Consideration of the ethical and psychosocial aspects of male fertility problems will form an integral part of the prog

  • Science without frontiers
    Wednesday 6th January 2010 - Saturday 9th January 2010
    University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK
    The Annual Conference of the Association for Science Education, the professional association for teachers of science.

  • Moral Theory and Theorizing in Ethical Deliberation
    Friday 8th January 2010 - Saturday 9th January 2010
    Swansea, Village Hotel
    This workshop is the first in a series of meetings that will scrutinize "The Role of Moral Theory in Health Care Ethics", a project funded by a research network grant of the AHRC. It will focus on a) whether theory should play a role in health care ethics (the "normative question"

  • Marked for Life: Are Genetic Markers Helpful in Understanding Psychological Disorders?
    Monday 11th January 2010
    Royal Society of Medicine, 1 Wimpole Street, London W1G 0AE, UK
    This event - jointly organised by the charity that publishes BioNews, the Progress Educational Trust (PET), and the Royal Society of Medicine - forms part of PET's project Spectrum of Opinion: Genes, Autism and Psychological Spectrum Disorders, which aims to confront the questions thrown up by t

  • Biometrics, ethics and panopticon state
    Wednesday 20th January 2010
    Centre for Bioethics & Emerging Technologies, St Mary's University, Twickenham, Surrey
    Professor Hunt presents an ethical exploration of the ramifications of the new technologies of personal identification.

  • Nicholas Economides: Net Neutrality on the Internet: A Two-sided Market Analysis
    Wednesday 20th January 2010
    Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, 1 St Giles Oxford OX1 3JS.
    Nicholas Economides, Professor of Economics, Stern School of Business of New York University; Founder and Executive Director of the NET Institute will discuss net neutrality regulation in the context of a two-sided market model at the Oxford Internet Institute.

  • Plastic migration: Cosmetic Surgery and the Globalization of Bodily Perfection
    Thursday 21st January 2010
    Daryll Forde Seminar Room, Anthropology Building, 14 Taviton St, Off Gordon Sq
    Laurie Essig, Middlebury College, addresses this pertinent issue.

  • Mapping and Measuring Cybercrime (Public Forum)
    Friday 22nd January 2010
    Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, 1 St Giles Oxford OX1 3JS.
    This public panel discussion focuses on the most appropriate ways of measuring and mapping Cybercrime to inform legislative, research and policy debates. This follows an all-day invited forum on the topic, and will highlight the day's findings.

  • Am I a donor before I am dead? An ethical discussion
    Saturday 23rd January 2010
    Lister Institute, Hill Square, Edinburgh
    The annual conference organised by the Scottish Council on Human Bioethics.

  • On the moral obligations of groups
    Monday 25th January 2010
    University of Leeds, IDEA CETL (Fenton St), Seminar Room 1.
    Applied Ethics Research Seminar Series hosted by the IDEA CETL (Inter-Disciplinary Ethics Applied: a Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning).

  • When the Audience Clicks: Buying Attention in the Digital Age
    Monday 25th January 2010
    Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, 1 St Giles Oxford OX1 3JS
    Based on research in progress, this talk will discuss media buying in the context of a longstanding (and recently energized) debate within media studies about the relative importance of human agency and institutional power in confronting 'the text.' It will then sketch key ramifications of t

January 2010

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