
BioDiary is an online resource designed to inform and promote forthcoming bioethics related symposia, conferences, seminars and other such events in the UK, Europe and beyond.

January 2012

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  • What are the ethical issues regarding Care for the Elderly?
    Saturday 21st January 2012
    St Margaret of Scotland Hospice Education Centre
    The annual conference of the Scottish Council on Human Bioethics

  • Antibiotics: Weapons of Maths Destruction
    Tuesday 24th January 2012
    London Science Museum’s Dana Centre, Wellcome Wolfson Building, 165 Queen’s Gate, London, SW7 5HD
    Ever wonder how antibiotics work? Prepare to get hands–on to find out about the marvellous molecular maths behind drug development.

  • Migration and genetics
    Thursday 26th January 2012
    London Science Museum’s Dana Centre, Wellcome Wolfson Building, 165 Queen’s Gate, London, SW7 5HD
    There’s been a huge explosion of interest in genetic genealogy and personal DNA testing. But how much do we know about the migration of our ancestors?

January 2012

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