Upcoming Event
Moral Theory and Theorizing in Ethical Deliberation
Friday January 8th 2010
This workshop is the first in a series of meetings that will scrutinize "The Role of Moral Theory in Health Care Ethics", a project funded by a research network grant of the AHRC. It will focus on a) whether theory should play a role in health care ethics (the "normative question"); b) whether theory plays a role in health care ethics, e.g. in the debates within ethics committees (the "descriptive question").
Confirmed Speakers:
- Richard Ashcroft (London): Does Moral Practice Need Moral Theory? The case of human rights Charles Bosk (Philadelphia): Is Professionalism in Conflict with Ethical Behaviour?
- Alan Cribb (London): How can you help? The challenge of prescribing theory
- Tom Sorell (Birmingham): Moral Theorizing and Blinkered Health Care Ethics
- Torbjörn Tännsjö (Stockholm): In Defence of Applied Ethics
- Joan C. Tronto (Minneapolis): Grounding Moral Responsibility: Some Caveats About Ethical Deliberation from a Feminist Ethics of Care Perspective
- Raymond de Vries (Michigan): The use and ab-use of moral theory in bioethics
This workshop should be of interest to a wide audience in diverse spheres, e.g. ethics committee members, politicians, health care professionals, social workers, lawyers, as well as professional ethicists.
It is open to all free of charge. However, we ask you to fill in a registration form and to make a firm commitment to attend, as places are limited.
Venue: Swansea, Village Hotel
Cost: Free but registration is required.
More Information: Click Here for More Information