Upcoming Event

Recent Advances in Male Fertility
Wednesday January 6th 2010

British Fertility Society
Bristol Marriott Royal Hotel, College Green, Bristol BS1 5TA, UK
06 January 2010 - 07 January 2010

The Annual Meeting of the British Fertility Society.

A wealth of laboratory and clinical research has accumulated on the epidemiology, mechanisms, implications and management of subfertility in men. There is also growing interest among patients and the media about treatment options and risks. This event will feature world-class speakers from diverse fields, including andrology, epidemiology, endocrinology and urology. Consideration of the ethical and psychosocial aspects of male fertility problems will form an integral part of the programme.

Attendance fees range from £150 to £350. To register, use this online form if you are a British Fertility Society member or this online form if you are not a British Fertility Society member, or contact the British Fertility Society at bfs@bioscientifica.com or on +44 (0)1454 642 217.

Venue: Bristol Marriott Royal Hotel, College Green, Bristol BS1 5TA, UK
Cost: Attendance fees range from £150 to £350.