AI and ethics: What does it look like and what’s the agenda?
BioCentre is delighted to invite you to this afternoon symposium on AI and ethics on Thursday 5th December 2019.

Love me love my robot?
BioCentre’s horizon scanning paper ‘Love me, Love my robot?’ is the primary output of a small research project BioCentre conducted in 2015–16.

AI in healthcare
The Wellcome Trust commissioned a report from Future Advocacy that identifies many ethical, social and political challenges resulting from the use of AI in healthcare and biomedical research.

Ethical AI: The UK can lead the way
The UK is in a strong position to be a world leader in the development of artificial intelligence (AI).

The robots are coming – do I need to retire earlier?
Do we need a “Basic Income” safety–net for everyone as robots and AI threaten to take our jobs? Nigel Cameron explores this question.

Media Monitoring

The robots are coming – do I need to retire earlier?
Do we need a “Basic Income” safety–net for everyone as robots and AI thr...

Genetic editing advances: Hello prime editing
Prime editing has been described as a “genetic word processor” able to accurat...

Responding to the opportunities of AI
The EU High–Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence (AI HLEG) has as a general...
BioRead ![]() Humanity Enhanced: Genetic Choice and the Challenge for Liberal Democracies There seems to be a plethora of books coming out at present which address the subject of human enhancement. In some respects this is encouraging and testament to the fact the issues are beginning to move from the sidelines into more mainstream debate. Undoubtedly more needs to be done as I don’t think we’ve quite got to the stage yet of the proverbial man or woman on the Clapham omnibus contemplating the future impact of human enhancement. The reason for this may be in part due to a mix of the hope and hype: what really is possible and what is not? |
Opinion The robots are here. We don’t notice them. When we withdraw money from our bank, using an automatic teller, it is a robot t ... Asking the Right Question We’ve all seen and experienced it. Children are natural born question askers, they are constan ...
There are some events which bring out the conflicting opinions of “I wish more people were here to experience this” an ... |